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Why In-school Vision Screenings Don't Show the Full Picture

Why In-school Vision Screenings Don't Show the Full Picture

August 29, 2022

By: Lifetime Vision and Eye Care

Many schools throughout the U.S. conduct vision screenings as a service. The screenings aim to identify vision issues that may affect academic performance. They seek to identify kids who may have undiagnosed vision disorders and refer them to eye care professionals for further evaluation. However, they aren't reliable for getting the full picture.

Dangers of UV Exposure to the Eyes

Dangers of UV Exposure to the Eyes

July 13, 2022

By: Lifetime Vision and Eye Care

UV exposure is a constant threat to the well-being of your eyes. UVA rays from the sun have low-energy radiation that can harm your central vision because they can damage your macula. The rays are very prevalent, though UVB rays are the most dangerous of the two. It damages the cornea and eye lens and causes sunburns.

Cataract Awareness Month: Recognizing Symptoms and Getting Diagnosed

Cataract Awareness Month: Recognizing Symptoms and Getting Diagnosed

July 14, 2022

By: Lifetime Vision And Eyecare

Cataract is a leading causing of blindness in the U.S. and is estimated to affect more than 22 million Americans. June is cataract awareness month – a month that many eye doctors dedicate to helping people understand what cataracts are, how to spot them and what they can do if they are affected. 

How Is Glaucoma Treated?

How Is Glaucoma Treated?

May 12, 2022

By: Lifetime Vision and Eye Care

Glaucoma is an eye condition characterized by optic nerve damage. The damage stems from a buildup of fluid in the eye, putting pressure on it. If not treated, the condition can lead to permanent loss of vision.

What Is Blue Light and How Does It Harm the Eyes?

What Is Blue Light and How Does It Harm the Eyes?

April 30, 2022

By: Lifetime Vision And Eyecare

You are most likely reading this on a digital device, which means you are no stranger to blue light. Most people spend a lot of time working behind computers and digital devices these days.  You need to know about the blue light that you encounter. If you find yourself experiencing difficulties with your vision, it may be due to the blue light. You can find out what blue light is and how it can harm the eyes. 

Why Is There a Growing Demand for Pediatric Eye Exams?

Why Is There a Growing Demand for Pediatric Eye Exams?

March 8, 2022

By: Lifetime Vision and Eye Care

A baby’s eyesight is yet to form fully. Over time, children learn to see as their brains develop. Pathways between their brain and eyes continue to develop as they grow. For the process to proceed smoothly, both eyes need to develop correctly. Any vision interference, such as a refractive error or blurry vision, means there is an absent or improper stimulation of the pathways between the eyes and brain.

Why Are Contact Lenses Better Than Glasses?

Why Are Contact Lenses Better Than Glasses?

February 17, 2022

By: Lifetime Vision and Eye Care

Are you thinking about switching to contact lenses? If so, you are not alone. According to the American Optometric Association, millions of Americans wear contact lenses. Contact lenses help correct various refractive errors. These include presbyopia, astigmatism, farsightedness, and nearsightedness.

How Do Punctum Plugs Help Dry Eyes?

How Do Punctum Plugs Help Dry Eyes?

January 06, 2022

By: Lifetime Vision and Eye Care

Punctum plugs are small devices that block the drainage of the tear ducts. They help relieve the symptoms of chronic dry eye. They do this by dealing with a low quantity of tears. Doctors use the process of punctal occlusion surgery to insert these plugs.

Do I Still Need to Wear Sunglasses in the Winter?

Do I Still Need to Wear Sunglasses in the Winter?

December 8, 2021

By: Lifetime Vision and Eye Care

Sunglasses are just as important in winter as they are in summer. Although winter is a cold season, the sun is still present, and its rays can harm your eyes. Apart from protecting you from the harmful rays of the sun, sunglasses will protect you from other elements. So, why do you need to wear sunglasses in winter?

What Do Diabetic Eye Exams Help Detect?

What Do Diabetic Eye Exams Help Detect?

November 3, 2021

By: Lifetime Vision and Eye Care

Diabetes is a disease that can affect different parts of your body, including your eyes. It increases the risk for eye conditions such as cataracts and glaucoma. The common eye health concern for those with diabetes is the development of diabetic retinopathy. Diabetes can cause diabetic retinopathy, a condition where blood vessels in the retina get damaged.

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